When was the last time you watched a movie and were greatly impressed by the rich imagination of its creators? You watched it once and needed to watch it again to grasp every detail and digest every thought. You finished watching it and walked for days under the strong impression of its depth, amazing beauty, creative twists, or genius ideas.
What movie was that? What genre? I am sure we all have our own lists depending on our preferences and specific things that spur our creativity. These three movies impressed, mesmerized, fascinated, and puzzled me. Some parts were gruesome and disgusting, but it made them even more powerful. Some stories were tragic and sad, but it made them even more memorable.
So, here’re my top three most creative movies. I hope you can share your list in the comments below.
1. Inception
Christopher Nolan, the director of this movie, has always been known for his unique way of storytelling and labyrinthian plots. However, I think, he surpassed even himself in Inception. The movie is a piece of art! If you watched it only once and decided, it’s nonsense, do it again. It needs to be watched at least twice.
When I was watching Inception the second and the third time, it was like listening to an orchestra perform an amazing piece or observe an artist paint his best portrait. The beauty of every scene enchanted me and left me deep in thoughts.
2. The Lord of the Rings
This movie has been my favorite one ever since it was released. I even watched an uncut director’s version of it and all documentaries on how the trilogy was created. Peter Jackson is another genius and The Lord of the Rings truly is a masterpiece!
The music, the scenery, the character depiction – all of it was created with so much love, so much dedication that it can’t be overlooked. J.R.R. Tolkien created a new world and Peter Jackson made this world come to life again.
3. The Matrix
Remember when The Matrix just came out? It was something unbelievable! Don’t think about the second and the third one. Let’s pretend they didn’t exist. However, the first movie was absolute sensation. It confused us, fascinated us, and broke our paradigms. It was like nothing ever done before, and it practically ‘blew our minds’.
Let’s sum it up!
Do you think these movies were created by some people from another planet? No, they are regular human beings, just like you and me. We call them creative geniuses only because they didn’t bury their talents, didn’t think their dream was too big, and because they were brave enough to act on their dreams. They worked hard and weren’t afraid to fail!
You can create too. Maybe it won’t be a movie or a portrait, but it will be YOUR masterpiece. You ARE creative! It’s a part of your nature. Just like you were born to walk, not crawl, you were also born to create! Would you like to develop the skill of creativity? Would you like to learn how to think ‘outside the box’ and generate ideas on demand?
Download the FREE Creativity Guide and learn 7 steps to finding unique ideas and solutions.