There are actually hundreds of creativity techniques, principles and tips to be shared. However, today I would like to focus on these 5 ideas. The first principle is the one that I have already written about. It is by all means the most important one.
1. You ARE creative.
There are so many people in the world who don’t consider themselves creative and still believe that creativity is something only artists have. This conviction should be exterminated from people’s minds. You’re creative, your child is creative, your friends are creative. Give them and yourself a chance to tap into creativity, to free it from the prison of doubts and wrong beliefs. You will see how much can be accomplished with this new mindset.
2. Creativity is a skill which can be developed.
Do you still think creativity is something you’re whether born with or not? Do you consider it a personality trait? I am happy to bring you the good news – creativity is a skill. You can develop it even if now you think you’re not creative. There are exercises and techniques to get better at this. Just like reading and writing, creativity can and should be learned and practiced.
3. Positive attitude is crucial for generating ideas.
Have you heard about the researches done by Gallup and other organizations on emotional intelligence? It’s proven that our creativity flourishes when we’re in a good mood. If you adopt negative attitude and start thinking that you have no imagination, how can you expect to generate great ideas? You need to believe in yourself and your own creative abilities to be able to achieve success in this process.
4. There is power in team creativity.
“Two are better than one”, “a threefold cord is not quickly broken” – I am sure you’ll agree with these statements based on your own experience. Solo brainstorming can be quite effective, although if you involve other people in your creativity session, the result might surprise you. You will be the one making the final decision, but ask as many people as you can for their opinions, team up with your friends and you will have more ideas to choose from.
5. We should constantly feed our imagination.
Do you know why everybody says children have better imagination? Because they constantly learn something new. They discover the world every day, and while their brain gets new information, it has enough food for creating new images. We as adults, can also feed our imagination by reading new books, getting new experiences, meeting new people. We can learn a new language or acquire a new skill. The possibilities are endless!
These are only a few principles to remember if you want to be more creative. There’s much more that I cover in my new online course and in a guide to creativity power.
The guide is free and it offers you 7 steps to finding ideas for business and life. You can find it here. Enjoy!